Dynamic remarketing is an extremely effective tool in the fight for customer interest. It is an effective tool that provides each client with a proper return on investment. Everyone coming to the user's page of the remarketing panel will later receive recurring advertisements related to the content of the visited website and the website. The tracking mechanism is simple and uses cookies placed on websites. The period in which the resembling advertising works depends on the cookie settings. Advertisements are displayed in the field most frequently viewed by the computer user.
advertisements displayed on mobile devices are governed by other laws. However, a computer with a fairly large diagonal of the screen needs exact positioning of the advertisement. The upper left corner is the most frequently visited place on the screen by the Internet user. And the space along both edges of the monitor, that is, Top and left side. This is where 70 to 80% of the user's glances land. A lot of it also falls on the bottom panel, where we usually look at the end after scrolling the page with search results or look for information in the footer of the website.